Programmatically skip / ignore tests in MSTest v2

Programmatically skip / ignore tests in MSTest v2

Extending Matt Kotsenas's work


1 min read

We recently inherited a new service that had failing unit and integration tests due to some required configuration. Some of them were due to ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT. I wanted to skip those tests according to the environment set. Looks like Matt Kotsenas had a similar need in his blog post.

Abstracting IgnoreIfAttribute

His code is flexible and allows the user to pass in a method that returns a boolean based on custom criteria. For my needs, I wanted the criteria abstracted since I didn't want to duplicate the definition or reference the common criteria (checking ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT).

Now we just need to update the TestMethodWithIgnoreIfSupportAttribute to support this abstraction through polymorphism as seen above.

Used like so:

public async Task MethodUnderTest_Scenario_SomeExpectedResult

Separate Note:

Would be nice to be able to reference individual files from a gist.




Neither work
