Odds of Dying and Winning Mega Millions Lottery

Odds of Dying and Winning Mega Millions Lottery


1 min read

Was motivated by number deaths related to complications with the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.

Wanted try using some animations with Python, but ended up with more experience with chartJs.

Odds of winning mega millions:
1/302*10^6 * 100 =>  3.3112 * 10^-7%

Odds of death from J&J vaccine (at time of this writing):
6/(6.8*10^6) * 100 = ~0.0000882%

Odds of getting struck by lightning within a lifetime:
1/15300 * 100 => 0.006535947%

Odds of dying in a motorcycle accident
1/899 * 100 => 0.111234%

Odds of dying by gun assault in US:
1/289 * 100 => 0.346%

Odds of dying of cancer in US:
1/6 * 100 => 16.666%

r/dataisbeautiful worthy?
